11th Annual Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) in London UK, 11th -13th October 2017
Speakers and Presentations
Click to each title to download presentations by guest speakers.
Dr Corina McMahon – Acute Chest syndrome in children: A management protocol
Dr Emma Drasar, Consultant Haematologist, Whittington Hospital NHS – Thalassaemia case scenarios
Mr George Constantinou – Iron chelation therapy in thalassaemia – a patient’s journey
Roanna Maharaj – Iron chelation therapy in thalassaemia – a patient’s journey
Samuel Mbunya – Outreach programs and advocacy of Sickle Cell Disease Care in Kenya
Dr Winfred Wang, Member, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital – Sickle Cell Disease: An overview
Sickle Cell Disease - Pain and Common Chronic Complications
Edited by Baba Psalm Duniya Inusa, ISBN 978-953-51-2767-3, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2766-6, 280 pages,
Publisher: InTech, Chapters published November 10, 2016 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/62012
Edited Volume
This book addresses a wide range of clinically relevant topics and issues in sickle cell disease. This is written by experts in their own field offering a robust, engaging discussion about the presentations and mechanisms of actions in the multiple complications associated with sickle cell disease. This first of the series addresses pain, which is considered the hallmark of sickle cell presentation. It looks at the basic mechanism of pain in sickle cell disease. A more detailed review of precision medicine gives a clear well laid out presentation that is incisive and yet gives in-depth detail relevant to both the clinician and the researcher in the basic laboratory. The same pattern is shown in the discussion on respiratory, cardiac and neurological complications. The 14 chapters also include an overview of sickle cell disease especially in the paediatric age.
The content is organized into well-designed broad sections on overview regarding diagnosis including point of care and the role of digital apps in patient management. A key aspect of the book is the opportunity it affords expert physicians to express well-reasoned opinions regarding complex issues in sickle cell disease. The readership would find that it provides a well-described, concise and immediate applicable answers to complex questions. This is highly recommended for scientists and clinicians alike.
10th Annual Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) in London UK, 5th -7th October 2016
Speakers and Presentations
Click to each title to download presentations by guest speakers.
Alexis Thompson - American Society for Hematology
Ali Taher - Evidence-Based Approach to Managing Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemias (NTDT)
Barnaby Clark - Haemoglobinopathy diagnosis
Caterina Minniti - Chronic Organ Damage in Sickle Cell Anaemia
Claire Sharpe - Renal complications
Dagan Wells - New technique of karyomapping for PGD
David Roberts - Thousands of genetic variants
Deepika Darbari - Deconstructing Pain in Sickle Cell Disease
Elizabeth Klings - Pulmonary HTN
Emma Drasar - Thalassaemia case scenarios
Greg Kato - Augmenting Nitric Oxide Signaling in SCD
Jerlym Porter - Transition skills training
Jo Howard - Haemoglobin modifiers
Jo Howard - NICE guidance on spectra optiav2
Kalpna Gupta - Promising strategies to treat pain in sickle cell disease
Ken Ataga - Endothelial Dysfunction and Albuminuria in Sickle Cell Disease
Léon Tshilolo - National Development of SCD Programmes in Congo DR
Marsha Treadwell - Patient Reported Outcomes for the Hemoglobinopathies
Matt Heeney - Anti-adhesion agents
Service to Humanity Foundation
Simon Robertson - Virtual reality as a complementary therapy
Stephan Lobitz - Emerging haemoglobinopathies services
Standards for the Clinical Care of Children and Adults with Thalassaemia in the UK
The 3rd edition (May 2016) of the Standards for the Clinical Care of Children and Adults with Thalassaemia in the UK is available now.
Excellence in Oncology and Haematology Nursing
Published on 17 Dec 2015
Brought to you in association with Novartis Oncology.
The video is centered around the work of Luhanga Musumadi, an advanced nurse practitioner for sickle cell at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital (which includes the Evelina Children’s Hospital). He explains how he has set up and managed the transition service for young people with sickle cell and thalassaemia, supporting and preparing them for their move from the children’s environment into the adult services.